Monday, December 14, 2009

Last Time!!Spiritual Gifts & Leadership Program 2010

Hello Everyone!

I have great news for you and for all of my new readers do you all know about my Spiritual Gifts and Leadership Program VIP 2010...? You have a chance to be in the program that I am offering to get you focused, clear and ready for your 2010 year!

Wow! Here I am with Louise Hay and my brother Antonios in Hollywood, Ca. At Wayne Dyers movie premiere. I wanted to share this photo with all of you...because I have been blessed to meet and work with some of the greatest thought leaders, Self Development Coaches, Healing Arts Teachers, and Artists for many years. This is not something I just do...I live it! Call to learn all about my program...
It is here and I am so pleased that it has gotten great responses from people all over the world. I am here to let you know that there is another option to the VIP which runs for a low $3000 for the full 12 week program. Now at special holiday pricing $997.

We have available the "GROUP" program with enough spaces for 25 students to go through and energetically align themselves with their life and business. It entails coaching, energy work, and (me intuitively guiding the group) through to clarity and knowing their messgae....what they are actually here to do and assist others with.

Most of all the layers of lack and unproductive patterns will be released and the opportunity to soak in the leadership skills and action it takes on a body, mind, spirit level to help you accomplish your mission in your life and business.

I am so excited for this group and for being in a position to assist people in so many areas of their life. Clarity in situations is the number one reason people hire me. To show them the way and guide them to their desired results is the other reason!

It feels good to know that so many people take themselves seriously, enough to invest in themselves, their business and their spiritual life. These are my clients....(people who are willing to leave the struggle behind and step up and into their power!)

If you feel like I am speaking to you then call 626-715-7716 and set up a free 30 minute appointment to discuss the program and what is really holding you back and how this program can help you!

By the way, my business is a referral business and it is based on empowering you to help you learn how to create results in your life and business by connecting to your values, aligning to your mission, and creating your 2010. Releasing what stands in the way of what you want...allowing the opportunity for you to attract your partner, increase your income, live your vision and life purpose and more. What do you want for 2010? Are you clear? How are you going to get there?

I have found that it is easier and faster "to get where you want to be", when you have a guide, a coach, a mentor to assist you on your personal, and professional journey.

Remember, I am here to assist you!

I am so excited to work with you,

Mimi Quick


Sunday, November 1, 2009

2 day Sedona Retreat For Your Life & Business

How have you been? Have you been following your bliss?

Are you living your life purpose and full of energy? I know, too many much floods your consciousness as you process what I ask.

Believe me it is all in love. I ask because I want you to see where you are and where you want to be.

Plus I have an event that can provide clarity for you quite easily November 14 and 15 as long as you are committed to your success then be at the event! I have chosen Sedona a beautifully charged place that can handle the wonderful energies that must be left behind to get to you to your goals. Also the recharging of specific energies that are mutiplied in Sedona by the process that I use to help you propel into 2010 energy for your life and business!

I know it's coming up and all who attend will be speaking about the effects of the transformational processes that I will have in the workshop.

Two days to success for 2010! All me all natural and all channeled information for all who attend so pick your perfect group and lets get a move on because here we go!

Get ready to open the doors to prosperity, success, wealth, and happiness in your life and business by plucking out what is stagnant, non serving anymore and energetically dead. Bring your life and business back to life with the energy and direction from your higher self, God and universal energy....Are you ready? Good! I will see you in Sedona November 14th and 15th. Plus because of the recent money blocks that people have been talking about you will all receive a proven money break through coaching as a bonus ($1000 value)as my gift to you for attending the Sedona 2 day Retreat for your life and business!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Ready to turn into Gold? Well I'm talking about the Alchemy process, where transmutation occurs.
Where are you in your process? Is it getting difficult, easier, more intense? Many experience this process in many different ways all unique to their personal journey. Have someone on your side so you can feel relief, step into your strength and powerfully receive your prosperous lessons on your journey? Get the benefits of being coached.
  • Feel Freedom
  • Feel Relaxed
  • Begin to reach your goals

Personal Power Coaching 12 week programs to help you Step Into Your Power and get in touch with the Gold inside of you! If you are ready to have me guide you as you hone your gifts and fully feel empowered to achieve amazing results in your personal, professional and spiritual journey then go to and contact Mimi Quick for your personal 15 minute consultation to see if this coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In The Way

Hello Everyone,

Tell me how are you doing? Are you looking at the next 3 months! that was fast or is it more like darn I had so much planned for 2009 and I never got to accomplishing my goals.

Well, you are where you are because of you, yup yourself! I know you all think I'm going to be sweet and baby you here and there, NO!, the truth is you are exactly where you are because of your actions.
Your mind is so powerful that it will find a way to anything you ask for, the universe supports this wonderful demand.

So, if you are experiencing anything that you do not want, then subconsciously you are attracting it.

I have said this over and over again .....having a coach is so important because many are trained to see what you do not see. I like to see myself as a guide, bringing awareness to my clients, friends and people I meet. My work is who I am, there is no difference.

So who is in the way of your dreams.... it really is just you!

Many people like to place blame on others for not accomplishing their dreams

* spouse
and much more!

Get clear about what your goal is and do not get in your own way!
Mimi Quick
Connecting you to your Inner Power, Source and FREEDOM!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome to Your Life!

What if that was what you heard everyday as you woke up? Would you begin to change the way you thought about (everything) in your life?

Some people are waiting for an invitation to live their life...They are waiting to add fun to it when they get that promotion or make that BIG sale.
Some are EVEN waiting until they find a partner to join them before they actually begin to live life.

YOU HAVE THE POWER TO LIVE NOW- its in your grasp the question is will you choose to live everyday in your power, knowing that you are important, you matter and that the world needs your specific talent and ability?

Take a 30 day challenge right now to wake and say to yourself "I am waking up to my happy, healthy, wealthy life, my gifts, talents, and abilities are unique and are needed in the world, I am special and people love me."

Just say it as soon as you wake up and see what magic happens for you in 30 days.

Send your success stories to contact form.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Prosperity - How is your garden growing?

Hello Everyone,

I hope your days have been filled with love and sunlight. I had another intuitive nudge to blog about something that I feel is important. So here it is..... I was watching my father tend to the garden as the master expert that he is and I mean this from my heart....

I don't know if his abilities were natural or it was out of need that he gardens so well and is a channel for life to grow from one little tiny seed into beautiful rainbow of glorious creations, of course helped out by mother earth. What I mean by this is that he was born in a village in Greece where really there was lack and the need to feed the family was the traits of learning to farm, plant a seed nurture it take care of it was a lesson learned early in life actually well....their lives depended on it! So he has this passion for the best part he tells me is that it is so rewarding to see the final product that he proudly shares with friends, family, and his grandchildren.

Their is a distinct flavor, taste, and scent to organically grown products. They are just BETTER for your whole being. P.S. I see how much love he pours into having such a beautiful garden and his giving nature brings him unlimited amounts of abundance. The universe is always responding every moment. (Thanks Dad for instilling in me these precious priceless life lessons.)

WHAT ARE YOU EXPERIENCING NOW.... well in your business, personal life, and health are you taking care of (your seeds) watering them, making sure they have great sunlight, and are clear of a harmful environment? When you see your efforts blossom in front of you it is such a happy sight.

JUST LIKE THESE PLANTS there was someone guiding them giving them support and when the environment was not safe or just right adjustments had to be made! This is the same for you...Do you have a guide? Are you supported? Do you know where you'd like to grow? It is my life's mission to be a guide for people that want my assistance and help them on their journey.

How is your garden growing? Do you need to do some clean up? What about some support to complete what you set out to do, or maybe to keep you on your path to success!
(Just food for thought)
Mimi Quick

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Path to Love

Have you ever felt despair and not knowing just what to do, in your relationships? I'm talking about your relationships with your spouse, family, business, and with the universe.

5 KEY STEPS To Raising The Vibration of any relationship…..In a moment you can transform many of these relationships, because frankly you have the power within you to do so! It all begins with you!

Step 1- Open up, and communicate what you are feeling, in a way that is natural for you.
When you open up you are really saying YES! I am willing to give this a try. Remember this is for any relationship even the relationship you have with God/the universe!

Step 2 -Begin to listen attentively to what the other person is saying/ the message.
As you listen so shall you be listened to….we have universal laws that govern us but many are not aware of them….this can plainly be called what you do comes back to you!

Step 3- Feel what may be happening to you as this person speaks and locate any negative energy.(and if stored in your body… where is it located, stomach, head,? Etc.)

Step 4- Stay in a high vibrational state and do not allow anyone or any thing to bring you down.
The best way to do this is to honor yourself and be you at all times! Before you make a decision to accommodate someone else ask yourself first am I in alignment with my own truth? Then move on from there.( you may break up with someone to keep yourself in vibrational balance)

Step 5- Mirror Mirror
When you come to a relationship with the understanding that you are in this situation and will be learning a life’s lesson no matter the size…somewhere in that relationship there is an affect that happens… of what it really is you are learning right now that is powerful and a life lesson that is completely priceless!

To begin with these steps in your relationships will alter the way you have been doing things and it will also show you another part of who you really are! It will build strength character, and life long intuitive muscles.

Written By,
Mimi Quick B.Msc. PMM. RMT


Mimi Quick is a happy, healthy, wealthy, leader who teaches others to live from their passion, be who they really are, and end all kinds of suffering in their lives. She realigns people in her sessions energetically, mentally, spiritually and inspires them to balance out their lives so they can live their life’s purpose and fulfill their desires in powerful ways!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

So Where Are You At With Your 2009 New Year's Resolution(s)

Hello Everyone

This July has been filled with plenty of trips to the beach, swimming in the pool, and teleclasses. How FUN! It's been a fireworks show of opportunity and celebration.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Prospering In Your Talents And Abilities

Did you get my new Muse Letter? If not get on the list! I am launching some new Coaching Programs that will propel you straight into the prosperity flow!

WAKE UP!! to your talents, gifts and abilities.

Have you felt your intuitive power? Do you want to prosper in your Spiritual Life?

So many people have gifts that they are not using. What do you think happens to those gifts and abilities when they are not being used? Maybe you were teased or maybe you made something about an event that kept you from using and applying all of your gifts and talents?

Right Now, is a great time for you to let go of things that are not serving you! The process that I take you through is amazing and works deep down in the subconscious level where are beliefs, events and traumas are stored.

3 Powerful Prosperity Affirmations (from my own stash)

  1. I have free will and I choose to prosper in my life now.

  2. I am a prosperous person.

  3. I am now in the universal flow of prosperity.

These are yours free to use make sure you begin with the one that resonates with you first! Then you can move on to the next...if you choose to prosper.
sign up to receive your MUSE LETTER!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How well do you know your MONEY???

Money is a great place to start...many of you have found that being in need of money get you upset, angry, irritable, depressed, over worked and loads of other stuff.

Some of the Questions that my clients have as I coach others to creating a new relationship with money are:

Why is money so distant from me?
How come I dont have money and others do?
What is the matter with me that money doesn't show up?
Is there a way that I can have more money?
Is it spiritual to have money?
Am I on the right path if money shows up and I just ignore it?
Should I give all my money away to feel free?
Why is it when I get money it leaves me so fast?

After coaching... when you have a new relationship with money the questions are much different.
There is a sense of knowing, many call it comfort, respect, a light is different for everybody.

If you do not have a good, passionate relationship with money I suggest you unlock the doors that have you locked down and open yourself up to having a session... and creating a new relationship with Money!'s more than just money the core is deep! When will you chose to be responsible for your prosperous future?

If you are happy with your money and are living the life you want, in your chosen path, and have a great, fun, passionate relationship with money.....This is not for you!

Dimitra Mimi Quick
The Prosperity Muse
Who is your prosperity guide?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Everybody needs a little time to relax....Don't you think??

Pick out your favorite piece of music and listen to it..

Lounge in your favorite clothes.

Look in the mirror often and tell yourself how beautiful you are.

Smile and feel the stress melt off of your face.

Do What you like.....Go to the beach, sleep out in the wilderness, choose to be happy and just learn to relax.

This was a response to a friend and you know what I think that it could benefit more of you so here you all go...

smile, YOu are loved~ Mimi
Home of the Muses!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mimi ~The Prosperity Muse
connecting you to your inner strength
and prosperity flow!

Wow! posting blogs are quite fun! I missed them as I did not have internet access and cell phone was turned off for the trip. There were internet cafes but who wants to be indoors when there are so many great things to see in Greece....the blue sky, blue ocean, everywhere I walked was a wonderful journey!

Hope all of you enjoyed your April and May months as much as I did!

Go out to a beach or lake near you and feel its healing energies....breathe deeply, relax and enjoy.

ps let me know how this worked for you..

Hello Baby!!

I am speaking to California nice to be back! But I must tell you all a bit about my trip out in Greece.

Ahhh, Being in Greece was such an adventure. I was happy to see all my family and childhood friends. I visited my favorite places and also my haunted house. No this was not a typo when I was little I lived in a home full of spirits actually both of the homes I loved in were haunted and guess who was able to see them as a small child.....YES! ME.

It brought me back to some true events that I had not written in my book. Well I have begun the task of writing another chapter of the events of the lonely woman by my bed and then the window. The noises coming from all over the home. Things missing, being moved, etc.

My parents did not know how to handle me a child that was able to see the other side as many people call it. Lets just call it seeing spirits.

There was a lot of healing that took place there 2009 this time. I was able to connect and clear any ill energies that were left. It was like taking out the trash...I released past garbagge. I had done this before but being such a visual person it was good that I was there and took care of what came up for me!


After word got out about my psychic, healing abilities and the spiritual life coaching work I was doing...Boy was I busy! I had clients calling for readings, coaching, and I was asked to perform clearings.

And I thought I was going to have a good time not being noticed out there. Just go, do a workshop and then spend the time relaxing... well the universe always has plenty of surprises that's for sure. I was grateful and happy that I was of service there and had such a great time meeting so many new people.

My favorite parts of the trip there were visiting the ancient ruins. The energy was strong and it does resonate with me quite well. I had many visions that I have been writing down and will complile in a book for all of you that have asked already... rest assurred you will get the copies you have requested!


  1. know who you are....Look within

  2. accept your gifts.....if you can accept your talents gifts and abilities -you WILL prosper

  3. love..... love who you are, what you have, who you know and what you do!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am leaving for Athens, Greece this week. Find me on face book or e-mail me I will be facilitating an live activation from some powerful places in Greece, my hometown too!

You will find audio either here or my temporary website. I am so excited....

Email me or chat on facebook...lets connect's time!

The Evil Eye look it up you will find so many cultures believe in sending the energies back where they originated. Yes you know the thoughts and words spoken even the feelings felt are all a part of the energy held within. So be responsible and use your power for good. Most of all be aware of the power you possess. That is always the first step and always honor it.

More blogging from Greece Love to all and peaceful dreams....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

All About Money!

This is an e-mail I shared with my e-mail list if you would like to be added to it please visit and imput your info.

Hello Everyone,

Let's get personal shall we? I have had many calls about this very thing yes that word money that noone wants to talk about. The shame, frustration, fear, and pain that either allows or doesn't allow you to have what you want.

How is your relationship with money working for you..? Good? Not so great?

Too Embarrassed to talk about it? I have found that people have a lot of fear and anxiety around money not the lack of Money in your life but... the fear of loosing it also.

Would your life change if you transformed your relationship with money? Make it the most amazing, hot, sexy, lasting relationship ever!

Think it's time for a change? There have been amazing stories and magical events after a transformational Financial Break Through coaching session.

This is a real transformation and not to be ignored money has deep roots in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Just notice and be on the call or listen to the recorded link. That is posted.

"After the session with you I received a call from my attorney stating that they wanted to settle over $60,000 came to me...thanks!" Mary

"Magical things happened. My spouse just bought me a car!" thank you Mimi and thank you for helping me connect to my money again!

These financial breakthrough sessions are amazing! I can't wait to talk to you all on the call. This is really the time for supported change and great new abundance in our world. I invite you to join the party. It will be so much more fun with you there!

Mimi Quick
The Prosperity Muse
Connecting You to Your Prosperity Flow


Friday, March 27, 2009

My Friend Is An Angel

In this lifetime experiencing a blissful relationship of any sort is prosperity. I'd like to speak to you about my friend. My friend is one of the most loving, caring, and intelligent people out there. I have been blessed to have had such wonderful experiences and create sweet memories with them. Friends tend to come into my life just at the right time..... is that so for you as well.

Take a moment and look back....and see at what time your friends showed up in your life. You will find some amazing connections. Did you ask for a friend...or an answer, a guide, someone to share some great moments with? My wish for you is that you all are open and ready to allow all the love and healing that comes with a new friend... You may want to take note as well of you showing up in peoples lives! The meanings and value you have added to their lives is a big gift too!

Give yourself some love today for being a great friend! You are wonderful and fabulous....remember that, and if you have any doubts about it just look back and see where you could improve. You are important in people's lives just know that. You do make an impact in others lives and you are cherished for the love and care that you project.

Love to all my friends!

Mimi Quick

Sunday, March 22, 2009

People often ask me....

People often ask me does all of this happen for you? Who do you know? How do these projects just fall into your lap? How do clients find you? Some truly want an answer and others have admitted to me that they were VERY jealous of all the opportunities that show up in my life.
Hmm...that made me think quite long and hard about what is stopping others from achieving success, sealing the deal or just being happy.
I live in the flow. It's natural for me to believe that everything will work out perfectly for me, for my greatest good. Sounds a bit out there for some and others understand the spirit of it.
For me life is an adventure. When I wake up I am grateful for being alive. I smile, talk to God, and say a few affirmations to myself. For me this is my natural state.

I will be in Sedona Az April 4-5 for the annual Spiritual Journey with Mimi
a few spots remaining go to or call 626-715-7716 to register

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why It Is Good ToTap Into Your Intuition....

Do you want to feel more relaxed, happier, more in tune, a better business, a better home life?

I hope you answered yes! It is available to you... Wow, just think you can actually create the lifestyle you have been wanting to live all your life...

Many ask me, Mimi is this going to be easy? I always respond the same way "If you say so".
I learned a long time ago if it's to be it's up to me! That goes with everything in your/my life.

I invite you to take a good look within and find the number one issue, concern or belief that is stopping from achieving your life's work.

I have added 5 new separate topics in my Group Coaching to assist all of you.
Choose the one that's right for you!

1) Happiness ...where are you? (how would it feel to truly feel happy again by finding your number one block and releasing it)
2) Wake Up with Mimi: strengthen your intuition (series) (you have felt, heard, and seen proof of your your inner it's time to use it!)
3) Can I really be successful? (release your subconscious blocks, fears and what ever else in the way to success).
4) Come out of the closet; Will the real you please speak up?(stop hiding and start manifesting...feel freedom in speaking your truth and living your life...)
5.)Wow! That's heavy: Releasing years of old baggage, beliefs that caused you pain, suffering, and more.(imagine how light you will feel as these heavy conscious and subconscious limiting beliefs are erased from your mind.)

Music Groups Coaching Package
$250 per hour
  1. Create Your Vision
  2. What Is Your Mission
  3. Define Goals
  4. Remove Blocks to Success
  5. Get Noticed
This is for the group that wants to make it BIG! They are commited and are dedicated to acheiving success! Learn to trust your team and build confidence between each other. Create and write songs easier and smoother. Learn to tap into the creative stream easier than before and add more shows with pay as you manifest that record deal and the next number one hit!

****More packages available for healers, coaches, entrepenuers, and individuals in the arts and entertainment industry!****

To register call 626-715-7716
Go To: for more information

Prosperity Blessings to all of you!
* Mimi Quick *
Connecting You To Source

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello Ladies ....and Gents

Goddesses arise! It is your time to shine. Women, the feminine, and the goddesses are now awakened. The strength is here and it's time for each one of us to honor who we are.

Are you feeling low, a bit negative, listening to the news, hear friends talk about the economy?

Do you agree with them? Your mind does not know the associates everything with you, and you alone.

So what do you do? You speak your mind, you walk away, you make a choice that benefits you. Stop allowing others to fill your mind with unnecessary garbage. The reality is what you make it. You are a powerful being.... change the way you do things and get a different result. If you want something different you must do something different!

Are you filled with fear and scarcity ...what is possible in that, are you filled with happiness and positive possibilities? waht is possible in that. You are never wrong, you are always right! Always..remember that next time you find your self in a questioning situation.

Take a couple of steps of opening your mind receptors by breathing for 2-5 minutes and keeping your mind focused on a serene place...

Drink good, clean water.

Say good things to yourself.

and let me know how you are..... comment

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentines Day!

Matters of the lover's heart... Ahhh yes. Are you in love? Have that special someone in your life? ....Or are you looking to attract the one...your soulmate, your twin flame.

Hmmmm well wherever you are with this I just want to remind you that your happiness and love begins with you! Yup, Love yourself first.....arrgh when I had first heard this a few years back I was mad more than mad... what do you mean love myself...I began to defend by what I had accomplished in my life and who I was spending time with...etc. Of course I love myself..really?

So here is what I did:

I asked myself

  1. what do I like to do?

  2. what flowers I like to receive?

  3. what is my favorite time of day?

  4. what kind of foods, music, art, people and environments, I like

I scheduled time for me!

This sparked a love affair within me!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Prosperity and YOU!

So are you ready to prosper? Are you asking when will I see the fruits of my labor? How about good fortune and success...will they come my way? Are you working hard to get where you know you want to be? Why do other people have prosperity and not you?

I am going to give you a secret it's your mindset. How can you who has been thinking this way for X amount of years magically change your thoughts, feelings and emotions? I am sure you have tried, right! Bought the CD, DVD, purchased your workshop ticket and said to yourself this is it! Was it? Maybe for a while...right!

So what happened? Did it just fade away? Did it just die out? Did you lose faith? Maybe you did all of it and it was just a disappointment. If that's the story then, you are not alone. It happens... that's just your learning curve. It may be upsetting at times but those wonderful/not so wonderful events just had to happen so you can be ready in this exact moment. I know this all too well and that's why I believe I was blessed with this method.... I love to see people's faces after the session and all of those years of worry, anger, feeling less than have just been erased if you will, quite literally. That's a great relieve and very empowering to say the least.

After studying the mind, genetic predisposition, healing arts, hermetic teachings, and more metaphysical studies, I was connected to The Prosperity Muse, who gave me a prosperity flow for humanity a method that is most amazing. It was an Einstein moment a discovery that has assisted many authors, entrepreneurs, actors, singers, music groups, artists and people all around the world! The Prosperity Muse Method has been born! Thanks to the Muses..

My inspiration for you today is go and write a list of all the things that you are grateful for and the ones you will be grateful for in the future...yeah that's it! I am grateful for my healthy body. I am grateful for my pay raise (even if you have not received it yet..) And when you are ready book your session.

(read what people are saying below...)
When you are ready the teacher will appear!
Mimi Quick
The Prosperity Muse


After I completed The Prosperity Muse Method session with you, I was surprised by a pay raise from my company! Thank you Mimi! P.Q. California

I just have to say thank you! The program and session you put me through is effective with immediate results as I came into a flow of money that same day which has continued long after our first session. Tony- GreekSpiritGuide

You are amazing! I thought you were going to put me through another typical process but I was so surprised by The Prosperity Muse Method that I became inspired to follow my dreams. D, CA.

Thank you so much, after our session I immediately felt lighter and the next day I received a call from someone whom I wanted to work with for over a year. J. CA

I felt better after you and I had a session. It helped me release my negative beliefs about money and prosperity. I have decided to take the opportunity that came to me to make more money and live the life I know I am to live because I can offer more help to my friends and family this way. Thank you. L.R. Cost Rica

I was having such a hard time with this divorce and splitting assets that I was concerned about spending $700 on a session with you. I am writing to tell you that it was worth every cent! I felt empowered and relieved immediately after the process you put me through. The session with you was amazing and I don't feel alone anymore. Thanks M. T. P.

What inspires your inner child?

Actress Sophia Quick (below) shows

us what it's like to feel the flow of

abundance, love, and inspiration!

look at that smile :)

what is possible for you in this flow??

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey! Prosperity Seekers..

Seeking....what are you seeking? Is it love, fun, money, relaxation, peace? What is Prosperity for you? Get real be honest with yourself. It's time for the real reason to show up and to be revealed...don't you think? haven't you hurt long enough? felt bad long enough and been mad sad and worried enough? Huh? Have you lost faith?

Are you thinking your opportunities are gone? what if I told you that you could revive your passions you could teach, make money, and write the story of your life... how about getting the gig, landing the job and making the impossible possible.. yeah too far fetched right.. and that's where people stop.

So ready for something new are you ready to prosper? Its a personal choice.

Here are 3 ways to get yourself ready to receive...

1. write down all of your accomplishments

2. speak your truth

3. be in a relaxed state (incorporate breathing exercises 5 min. or meditation or daily walking)

Mimi Quick The Prosperity Muse 626-715-7716

Connecting You To Your Prosperity Flow

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Money * New Red Shoes!

Money..... for those New RED Shoes?

Yeah! Do you just love shopping? Well I had an intuitive message to get up and go shopping. I had visited the mall a while back about a week and looked for some new red shoes. I did not see anything I liked. So when the message came through to go to Macy's. I jumped up grabbed my sweater and I was off to the mall. I looked at all the lovely dresses and there they were ahhhhh the most beautiful mary janes - yup! just for me... I did not looked at the price but was prepared to pay about $100 - I just loved them.. as the cashier helped me and rang me up ..He says "your total is $24.99 - what? YES! I was so happy for that gift.... awesome these puppies were easily a one hundred bill, but the universe gave me an awesome discount.

That's how The Prosperity Muse Method works ...there are plenty of good surprises and I am so happy about that!

Most of you know that this is all about mindset and how you use your wisdom....access to that creative prosperity flow can be an amazing event - I am honored to be The Prosperity Muse for you!

Mimi Quick

The Prosperity Muse


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mimi's Musings

Hello everybody,

I have just set up my new blog with help from my marketing coach. This way I can stay in touch all of you prosperity seekers.. I will be bringing you inspiration, motivation and prosperity tools.


Many Blessings, Mimi