Saturday, January 23, 2010

Are You Bending Backwards...?

People have called me for help as long as I could remember, and I have learned that it is important not to give to a person who will do nothing with what you have to offer them.

Your energy remains there, it does not move, reach out and go anywhere else but right there, stagnant. ~ Is this what you want..?

You have a gift to have it heal the world, empower someone, lend a helping that right?

If you are in the business of helping people working and hating it because you are working with the wrong people..? How are you serving...

It is time to get REAL with who you are and what you do, and why you do it..

There is a BIG wake up that permeates your being and JUST LIKE THAT you snap out of your foggy mind and see the beauty in front of you.

Come on who are you kidding ...only yourself, it's true.

Make it easy on yourself go out and be you! Be yourself! Be who YOU ARE! That is enough and that is perfect in all divine right.

You are an amazing being; keep the light turned on in your mind, body, and spirit!

When you attract your clients it will be from an authentic place...? They will show up from a more authentic space.

Want more assistance with aligning yourself to use the contact page! Talk to you soon! :-)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You got into this "business" for a reason...

2010 is a POWERFUL YEAR!

If you are a coach,artist,healer,or intuitive and have just begun your career or maybe you have coached 100's of people and now it is time to hone in on your specific message..(and what people call a niche), energetically build that business, lay a new foundation, bring in more of your authentic self, attract more clients?....

Then, I am inviting just a handful of you to a NEW 2010 12 week group class(24 lessons) that will help you market yourselves, and assist you to energetically align with who you really are and how you best serve your clients so that you don't allow doubt, fear, and worry to chase you away from what you are here to do! contact me now: let's discuss what your blocks may be in your business and your life & see if this is a vibrational match.

TeleClasses begin January 20th,2010(Wednesdays 1pm PST & Fridays 1pm PST)

There is a fast track- open to serious inquiries only for 1/2 day and full day business energetic makeovers with your very own personalized business, spiritual,and life plans! It is my intention to serve clients that are willing and ready to receive information that will assist them on their path!~ Mimi (Am I speaking to you..?)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

3 day Peaceful Journey 2010 teleclass begins This Wed.Thurs.Fri.

My intention is to keep a sacred space for the 20 fantastic people who will be in this energy shifting group coaching.

"Peaceful Journey for 2010 "

Interested in this 3 day adventure that can guide you through 2010?

I will take you through various techniques, meditations, and processes to assist you in receiving divine messages that can help you on your path in 2010 ~
Feel good about your choices, feel more connected and get results by getting clear on your business path, love path, and spiritual path.

A divine gifted price at $59 per person (a savings of over a hundred dollars)for 3 one hour and 15minute mind shifting group calls
beginning January 6,7,8, 2010 at 6 pacific time
that's Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Call 626-715-7716 or e-mail our team...Now to register & receive the call in number

Sunday, January 3, 2010



Are you and is your business ready for 2010..? Have you dotted your i's and crossed your t's..? have you begun that fitness program, goal achiever's seminar, and moved toward your desired goal and your spiritual purpose?

Do you think that life will just hand it over to you...?I am talking about your wants and your desires. Have you really asked the Universe for what you really want..? Are you too ashamed to speak your truth? Maybe you feel others are worth more than you because ___________you fill in the blank(it is a lie anyway).

You tell yourself such lies to help yourself feel more secure.

The truth is that security comes from one place and if you have not figured out where that place is for you yet, then you are in denial of your greatness,and in an illusion of your magnificence!

Right now go and write out your 5 most important values. Choose them and live by them. What are they...? Right them down: Honesty, Love, Joy, Peace, Fun, Beauty, Wealth, Health, etc..

Make a promise to yourself that you will live by these values and implement them into your business, attitude, your being, and everything you do! Why? Because this is YOU! Who you are and why you are begins with this!

Ready, let's go!

This will open up new levels for you and make extreme positive changes to your business.

Enjoy! Send me your success after you have implemented this simple yet effective tool of connecting to yourself and your business... you can thank the Prosperity Muse! ;-) e-mail your success stories to and you will receive a gift for your contribution from my team.

The methods and workshops people have asked me to post...

Here are some of the Methods & Workshops Created by me, Mimi Quick for you!:

Psychic Power Coaching:teaching you basic protection tools, advanced techniques, and leadership tools to enhance your intuition, gifts, continue on your mission, and live your life purpose

Unleash Your Inner Goddess: connect to your beauty,inner power, and creative self the goddess within has been giving you signals of what you must do, it is time to listen and set her free so you can begin to feel your freedom, love, and divine source.

The Prosperity Muse:connecting you to the prosperity muse, so you can open the doorways to your own prosperous thinking, and take the steps that lead to prosperity for you!

Home of THE MUSES:created for artists to get into the creative flow and get the inspiration channeled by the Muses. These enegies are alive and ready to connect with you....tap into what great writers, singers, dancers, artists and many more famous Greek leaders got inspired are guaranteed to connect with every session. So you can fulfill your creative project, complete your books, songs, recordings and more!

These methods have assisted people all over the world.

Workshop: Change your Life For GOOD! With Affirmations Mimi Quick:
All about affirmations, the mind, how and why they work, learn to begin to use them, where they came from...and more.

Plus: Annual Spiritual Retreats to Sedona, AZ have brought clarity, great clearing, mental, physical, and spiritual healing, "new life & direction" for those who have attended.

I am happy to announce an addition to our Spiritual Retreats for 2010

Nafplion, Greece.
Mimi Quick B.Msc., RMT, Cert. Coach
Psychic Healer
Connecting People Just Like You To Divine Source!


You are either running away from something or you are running to it! Am I speaking to you...? Yes.
Embrace all that comes your way learn the lesson and transfer the energy of fear into energy of love for yourself.

Someone long ago once told me, "You can't run away from your gift!"

It follows you where ever you go..!
So like I say keep me in your back pocket (like you do with faith and whip out my number when you need to shift into a better space)

Help me on my mission of spreading my message of strength, truth, light and love.Tell everyone you meet your passion...forward this museletter, be a friend and share the love.

I was told to ask and it is given.

What must you ask for... please do so now.

You really do not know who's life you may be saving. It is sad to know people hide who they are their feelings and pretend to be happy, but are miserable, yet they do not know what to do , how to do it.

I know that it takes personal attention to release certain blocks that are just so deeply rooted in your mind, body, and spirit...also your energy field.

Make everyday a celebration of love, happiness, and joy for yourself and others.