Monday, February 28, 2011

"MAGIC" Free call March 2nd

It’s finally here! TRIBE OF: Magical Women! Click on the title MAGIC and you will go to the sign up page rght away!

Ladies, its Mimi and I am leading a 3 part call series- this Wednesday, to help women understand how to be a "wealthy woman by connecting to the Magic within" cut through the confusion, get on purpose, increase their energy, and connect to their true power, and more: its complimentary to you!

This powerful call has already attracted many spectacular women who want to connect with
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Are You A Magical Woman?
Are you a Magical Woman? is a book written by Mimi Quick to help empower women and now a FB page to create community; TRIBE OF: Magical Women This page is: Open to Women that I know are out there. Who want community and support. This page exists so more ...and more women connect to their "MAGIC" & can begin to own their true power, wealth, and feel secure about their gifts so they can take action and be the goddesses we all wish to see in the world. REALLY CONNECT TO THE "MAGIC WITHIN"!

As women we've been conditioned to be, live, think, and act a certain way. We were told things like a woman's place is in the home, that's not lady like, it's a man's world, you have to work hard to get noticed, men make more money than women whether these are your beliefs or you've adopted them from society, parents, or environment they are lurking in your mindset, energy field, and where your "MAGIC" lives, accumulated by the events you have experienced in your life.

I am sure collectively we can think of plenty more limiting thoughts, and hidden beliefs that have kept us small and naive to our TRUE MAGIC the true female spirit. Right ? but who wants to do that…

Perhaps you are saying to yourself, well I don't have the beliefs listed above, I love men, I do too! What I love even more is empowering women to reconnect with THEIR "MAGIC". The freedom that SHINES from the women who gained more confidence, reached their financial goals, and attracted their soul mates.. is amazing!

Why did I start helping women especially connect to their MAGIC? You see as a teacher and coach I have noticed women giving up their life, career, money, tons of energy for others....and most of all "THEIR MAGIC"! So I decided to create a sacred space for transformation all under one roof, in this Tribe of : Magical Women community.

To become a wealthy woman you must find "YOUR MAGIC" that healthy balance in your life and in business, bring integrity, leadership, self love and acceptance to your inner core so you can receive the abundance that is there for you in all areas of life!

This community is all about awakening to truth, love, healing, and your Inner MAGIC so you can get the outer results that you are looking for. We know that joy comes from being our powerful feminine selves. Right?

We know that being on purpose with what we are meant to do here (our life purpose) will provide us with great wealth inside and out. (so what is stopping women from living their life purpose?)

Fear and doubt creep in when we begin step out of our comfort zone, and guess what they bring a guest their name worry, ohh now the constant chatter in the mind and physical manifestations appear, it is felt especially in these 4 core areas relationships, business, health, and finances, which immediately become affected as a means to stop you from the success and freedom you really want.

I have helped thousands of women, men, and children "Connect Back to THEIR MAGIC": clear limiting beliefs, and get connected to their power so they can create miraculous results of healing, prosperity, and success in their personal and professional lives.

As the awakening takes place within our mind body and auric field- strength and power we notice a cellular shift, and it is imperative that it is nurtured, supported and sustained. “MAGIC”

On my personal journey; As a child I was happy, content and joyous of the "MAGIC" I held deep in my core, and then one day something happened that changed all of that. I learned that people controlled the magic and did not allow it to flow, and then stopped others from being magical because it scared them... and placed conditions on Magic.... *(now one of my missions is to reconnect people back to their “MAGIC”)

Some of my MAGICAL moments were when: I healed myself from a dis- ease in 1998 and amazed doctors, bought my dream homes, became a well know speaker, leadership coach, facilitator and teacher of spiritual truth, attracted my soul mate, gave birth to two amazing souls now 16 and 9, built a thriving businesses, wrote my books, spoke at the celebratory book launch for Master Ching Hai, created innovative methods, programs, workshops, spiritual retreats, working as a modern day muse with actors, producers, musicians, writers and all creative talent to FIND THEIR MAGIC - clear out deep subconscious emotional blocks and reconnect to creative source for better results in all areas of life. I also attract amazing leaders in healing arts,

Being interviewed countless times in TV, film, and online radio shows has been a joy. As you can see I not only talked about it MAGIC, I created it, and live it! Because I live in the "MAGIC" daily there is knowing and understanding that I live from and that is: It's possible!!! In my life I have had the opportunity to attract leaders, mentors, teachers, as clients and collaborating partners.

I've studied and met with some of the most insightful conscious success and prosperity teachers in life and business on the planet from Champion, Dr. Terry Cole Whittaker, Debra Poneman, David Neagle, and many more.

I am grateful for The MAGIC I hold and my gifts and I share them everyday. How about you, are you ready now to connect with your "MAGIC" transform your life?

Imagine .....What if what you have wanted and dreamed of is already here and all you have to do is make a "QuickSHIFT" to re connect with YOUR MAGIC..? The Sacred space of the Tribe will support your new transformation.

Much Love to all of you who are ready For a Magical Life and Business and thirsty to for this prosperous, wealthy, and successful transformational shift in your lives and businesses too. "It is better to be in a position to give, than to be in a position where you need to receive." Ancient Greek Quote International Trainer and Leader helps you reconnect back to YOUR MAGIC for greater success in relationships, business, finances, and all areas of life! ♥ Mimi Quick ♥See More

Friday, February 25, 2011

Take A Deeper Look At Your Relationship With Money!

What happens when you think about money? How about a $100 dollar bill? - Do you react with a smile or a constrictive thought, then what feeling shows up?

In both cases you must exercise RESPONSIBILITY! Yes? Come on agree you know it's the right thing to do.

What will you decide to focus on when you know that what you focus on expands? Go on start writing.... what will you focus on?

Will you choose prosperous thoughts or poverty thoughts? Again you are faced with a choice ahhh the universe always gives us choices which one is it for you?

To earn $100,000 you must be honest with yourself, responsible, willing, ask, and be in connection of the energy of $$ money you want to receive in this case $100,000 , and continue to live in the universal flow! Do you think and feel that you can do that....?

Does it take time and energy?- yes! Are you comparing yourself when you see someone else's success.... How do you know? When you are in judgment of yourself you are comparing yourself to others, and are in lack.

If you had done the things that you were going to do- would you be in a better place right now? a richer place? so what stops you from actually doing all of this? hmmm, get honest right here.... *(and this is exactly where you need a coach who has innate insight, and wealth of wisdom in spirituality, marketing, success leadership coaching, mindset, sales, program creation able to pull out blocks that have been invisible to you, be aligned and on purpose LIVING their purpose every moment... to help you get results in your life, to help you see what you are not seeing that is right in front of you...and that includes money! )

So let me give you the SECRET you must do the work, no one else can do this for you, everyone else can just help you get stronger and release what is in the way- the illusion of fear, doubt, and worry..... guide you to wake up to a new higher way of thinking and it will be better than you could have ever imagined. Yes, but again who has to do the work? YOU DO! The coach and mentor is there to guide you.

Do not get stuck in your story!
Shake yourself out of it as fast as possible. The power has always been within. Your mind can create flow or stuckness, which to you prefer. You can have abundance or lack, what do you want? You can be in harmony with the universe or disconnected?

Do not get stuck in excuses! Really come on are we going to hear that again, I was fill in the blank, I can't because _____________, My partner_________. Take responsibility, BE YOUR POWERFUL SELF AND STOP LIVING IN YOUR LOWER SELF! As a coach, healer, artist how are you really going to help others.... YOUR ENERGY TRAVELS RIGHT ALONG WITH YOU! Ummm yes... You cannot hide it or fool energy. The best part is that people can FEEL IT! You are not fooling anyone so better start to do the work that is required of you to live in the higher vibrations of truth so you can manifest all that you truly desire within, it will show up and more than likely it is staring you right in the face to put it ever so gently ;-)

HELLO! Are you there? Can you hear me? Your higher voice cries out from within! Listen to the whisper, listen to the call, YOU ARE A MAGICAL WOMAN here to create and receive more wealth not only for you but for all women who are here to experience this lifetime. IT"S TIME TO BREAK FREE from the limitations you have placed on yourself now.

Who are you to say no? Who are you to say I can't? Who are you to be in the deep dark depths of darkness...? ARE YOU BEING LIGHT IN THOSE MOMENTS? Are you really connected? Do you feel close to your heart?

Money is an energy you draw toward you. YOU MAGNETIZE IT TO YOU! It is something you can easily attain and bring forth to reality as easy as your breath, the only thing that gets in your way is your disconnected THINKING, ENERGY and NOT BEING HONEST.

Check your integrity meters today
, how willing are you really to receive, and then if you are not, why not?

Get in alignment to receive, become the wealthy women you are meant to be with speed & ease, and create more and more fun and joy as you do it!

What really comes between you and having a prosperous, healthy, happy, and FUN relationship with money?

All you have to be is ready to transform your life, let go of the illusion, and reconect to the REAL YOU and receive. Are you now ready to clear out what has been stopping your flow and connection to money? You'll have to be honest as we coach together to clear out hidden beliefs that are causing you to have this experience in your life, get realigned back to prospserous thinking, so you can receive money clients, and live a wealthy life by letting go of scarcity programming, any low energy and complaining!

"LIVE YOUR ABUNDANT LIFE, NOW" SERIES w/Your Master Coach & Spiritual Teacher Mimi Quick
90 day program

Feel free to contact us below to schedule your f^ree 20 min. assessment & application:
Direct Line: 626-715-7716