Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wanna chance to be coached by THE psychic power coach?
Yes, we will be in Burbank CA. again today filming This is TOP SECRET project but I can invite you all to come and celebrate by having an open call to receive coaching a quick 15-30 minute "QuickShift" into the goals that you want create, or perhaps you want to clear some fears and any residue from a past event? Whatever the challenge relationships, money issues, health, or business.....I'd love to help you get on your path and have many other people experience healing through your brave breakthroughs!~
So here we go if you are an actor, musician, model, in the arts and entertainment industry or a special healer with gifts and a BIG message then I want to hear from you.... send an email to
Please note that you will be on camera and will have to sign a release form!
We will be starting at 1pm today... See you soon!
Love and success,
Mimi Quick
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Question came in: How do I attract an ideal partner?

Great question!
This is what you can do:
First of all you want to be sure about what you really want in a partner...
So Step one is:
*You can do this by writing a list about all the qualities you will like to experience in a partner, like, they are honest, generous, they are kind, thoughtful, know how to manage money, etc.
Step two
Start to make room in your life for your perfect partner. Do you need to add a second place setting for your perfect partner. Think...what would they like? Make room ladies for them to show up in by making space in the closet, bathroom, and bedroom so they can bring in their things. You see how this works now?
Step three
Visualize them waking up with you, taking those walks on the beach, eating at your favorite restaurants and more...
Step four
Be patient! You will manifest them but do not stop your manifestation by your fears and worries that they will not show up...okay!!
Step five
I thought that I should add this as a step because so many people brush this off. You should not find a partner because you NEED them to fill a need within you.
You'll want to find a partner to add to who you are, and to share your happiness with!
They are there to add to your life and not to be need fillers, meaning, you must love and accept yourself first and they will add to that, okay?
Do you want help in prospering in the area of love so you can attract your perfect partner? Feel free to contact us we have a 6 week beginners program for you so you can begin to attract and not repel your ideal partner!
Mimi Quick
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do you know that one of the most important things to do when you are in the middle of the project is...
Come on now, did you guess it? YES!
So many people wonder and ask me why their ideas and plans do not fully come to fruition..... even after knowing the right people, having all of the pieces, and then..."something just happens"
Well, It's simple you must keep it secret. WHY?... so all of the energy is being built upon rather than expelled outward to people who may squash it as it is growing up into a STRONG manifestation.
I know that you think that everyone is going to be sooooooooo happy for you. The truth is not many people are not conscious of their subconscious minds and what they are you may hear something like I don't know that sounds expensive or how can that really be your idea...its not going to go anywhere.
So instead of wasting your time with wondering and caring what friends and people who are really not knowing that they are doing more harm than good by speaking and thinking negative thoughts about you.
Once your project is complete, then rejoice and tell everyone about it!!!
With love,
Mimi Quick
A Spiritual Leader, Author and Coach in Healing Arts!
Psychic Power Coaching
Creator of:
*A Spiritual system to *PERFECT HEALTH
*Heal Your Life and Business
*The Spiritual
Entrepreneur's Breakthrough from surviving to thriving!
*Prosperity Muse and Many More!
Monday, August 23, 2010

Prosperity = sharing your gifts with your friends, family, clients, and the world!
What is really bothering you?
Do you feel that you don't deserve to receive money for your precious gifts?
Have you decided that doing something else instead of your natural gifts is easier than taking a powerful stand to live your dream.
How long will you go on with that limiting thinking? Really I mean are you waiting for the universe to send you a big boxed gift with a bow on it? Inside is your want, your goal, and what you only dream about and are too afraid to even tell your best friend...
If you are feeling like you are climbing that mountain and alone are in a struggle, that vibration only brings more of the same.
So what I suggest is that you:
* breathe
*close your eyes and focus your energy
* ask for help, see what programs we currently have that may assist you on your journey and relieve the worry, stress and fears that may be in your auric field, mind, and stuck in your body causing you discomfort!
How much longer are you going to suffer... Isn't it time to learn the lesson, let go and share your gifts?
We are here to help you with your emotional blocks, professional struggle, and personal journey so it can be as smooth as possible.
Your Psychic Power Coach and Prosperity Muse
Mmi Quick
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Energy Shifts and Joy....

The time is here it has been....
So many people want to think that prosperity is on the outside but the truth has always been that it is within!
Can you all believe me when I tell you that the struggle is man made? We are highy intelligent beings and are very in tune with what we are here to do, and how we are here to shine our magnificent light on this planet... We are all wisdom ... the freedom we seek is the freedom that lives within and is not yet expressed by us!
Tell me how natural is it to listen to people who tell you that you can't do something? Tell me how natural is it when people tell you what to do when people keep you small when you know that you have a bigger vision than theirs and nothing can stand in your way.....
Do you really remember who you are?
I have been in the business of reminding people of their great power and transformational gifts that are needed and wanted right now! I actually help people live what they want... manifest and enjoy their life and businesses..
The people that I speak to have had the awful feelings of not belonging... feeling alone, and the energy sucked out of them!
I am here to tell you and who ever else may be feeling this way that this is an illusion! It is created to keep you small, to keep you inactive, to numb you out to keep you in a controlling state...
You are more powerful than you could ever imagine and I will be taking a group of 5 people /perhaps you on a transformational journey to Sedona, AZ. August 27th -28th to help you connect with your TRUE SELF/TRUE ENERGY SOURCE... this is an experience you will want to be part of so you can catapult yourself into the arms of inner strength, conifence, answers and your true self..
It is my pleasure to offer this experience and I am excited for you..
For more information and registration; please call 626-715-7716
Mimi Quick
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
These classes can help you on your journey!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Here is the new Page for Psychic Power Coaching!
There are testimonials on the page to help you really move into that space of
co- creating with the universe rather than feeling that you are just doing this all alone!
So what do you think Psychic Power Coaching is all about...? Hmmmm you have to go to the page and find out..especially if you have some concerns or goals that you are looking for Clarity & Direction on!
See you on the blogsite and remember prosperity loves clarity.
Psychic + Power + Coaching = Mimi Quick: providing quick, clear, honest and direct solutions for your pressing issues and goals!

Monday, February 22, 2010
STOP ABUSING Yourself! & Learn to LOVE Yourself!
Stop Abusing YOURSELF and learn to LOVE Yourself!
My new website From Abuse to Freedom is complete and I will be launching it with a special surprise for everyone who joins me in the New launch Call!
- *SICK because of your abuse (headaches, disease, and pain, endless mind chatter)
- *lack of money (poverty consciousness) a broke mentality
- *sexually, physically, mentally,verbally, and spiritually abused
- *Afraid of your own power
Then click here and send an email or set up your consultation
Want to know more...? Learn if you are running on this cycle..? I can tell you this right now...
- *if you are in the struggle of making money
- * trying to have a GOOD relationship with yourself/others
- *revisit an abusive event in your mind over and over then you ARE abusing yourself.
To contact my team and begin your healing journey: ask about the "QuickShift" Program Just call or privately respond to this note for more info about the Website Launch FREE CALL, and a personal transformational consultation around this specific subject in your life to see if you are running on an abusive cycle and that is why your business, life, and financial situation is full of unseen blocks, problems or just STUCK! to set up your personal consutation.~ with Mimi Quick
There will be a healing journey in Sedona.
With love, joy, and healing thoughts,
Mimi Quick, From Abuse To Freedom~break the cycle and create your happy, healthy, wealthy, life and business!
MimiQuickSHIFT Program, trainnings and Retreats!
This business is a referral based business so tell a friend save a life! You never know what cycles people are running spread the word and be kind as we create a world that supports up with uplifting our greatness and allows freedom to reign in our hearts, mind, body, and spirit! learn to LOVE yourself fully so you can live the ultimate dream.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
2010 Power Freedom Love Genes Activation Call

YOU are part of this WORLD Start Living in it!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Are You Bending Backwards...?
Thursday, January 14, 2010

2010 is a POWERFUL YEAR!
If you are a coach,artist,healer,or intuitive and have just begun your career or maybe you have coached 100's of people and now it is time to hone in on your specific message..(and what people call a niche), energetically build that business, lay a new foundation, bring in more of your authentic self, attract more clients?....
Then, I am inviting just a handful of you to a NEW 2010 12 week group class(24 lessons) that will help you market yourselves, and assist you to energetically align with who you really are and how you best serve your clients so that you don't allow doubt, fear, and worry to chase you away from what you are here to do! contact me now: let's discuss what your blocks may be in your business and your life & see if this is a vibrational match.
TeleClasses begin January 20th,2010(Wednesdays 1pm PST & Fridays 1pm PST)
There is a fast track- open to serious inquiries only for 1/2 day and full day business energetic makeovers with your very own personalized business, spiritual,and life plans! It is my intention to serve clients that are willing and ready to receive information that will assist them on their path!~ Mimi (Am I speaking to you..?)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
3 day Peaceful Journey 2010 teleclass begins This Wed.Thurs.Fri.

"Peaceful Journey for 2010 "
I will take you through various techniques, meditations, and processes to assist you in receiving divine messages that can help you on your path in 2010 ~
Feel good about your choices, feel more connected and get results by getting clear on your business path, love path, and spiritual path.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

The methods and workshops people have asked me to post...

Here are some of the Methods & Workshops Created by me, Mimi Quick for you!:
Psychic Power Coaching:teaching you basic protection tools, advanced techniques, and leadership tools to enhance your intuition, gifts, continue on your mission, and live your life purpose
Unleash Your Inner Goddess: connect to your beauty,inner power, and creative self the goddess within has been giving you signals of what you must do, it is time to listen and set her free so you can begin to feel your freedom, love, and divine source.
The Prosperity Muse:connecting you to the prosperity muse, so you can open the doorways to your own prosperous thinking, and take the steps that lead to prosperity for you!
Home of THE MUSES:created for artists to get into the creative flow and get the inspiration channeled by the Muses. These enegies are alive and ready to connect with you....tap into what great writers, singers, dancers, artists and many more famous Greek leaders got inspired are guaranteed to connect with every session. So you can fulfill your creative project, complete your books, songs, recordings and more!
These methods have assisted people all over the world.
Workshop: Change your Life For GOOD! With Affirmations Mimi Quick:
All about affirmations, the mind, how and why they work, learn to begin to use them, where they came from...and more.
Plus: Annual Spiritual Retreats to Sedona, AZ have brought clarity, great clearing, mental, physical, and spiritual healing, "new life & direction" for those who have attended.
I am happy to announce an addition to our Spiritual Retreats for 2010

Embrace all that comes your way learn the lesson and transfer the energy of fear into energy of love for yourself.
Someone long ago once told me, "You can't run away from your gift!"
It follows you where ever you go..!
So like I say keep me in your back pocket (like you do with faith and whip out my number when you need to shift into a better space)
Help me on my mission of spreading my message of strength, truth, light and love.Tell everyone you meet your passion...forward this museletter, be a friend and share the love.
I was told to ask and it is given.
What must you ask for... please do so now.
You really do not know who's life you may be saving. It is sad to know people hide who they are their feelings and pretend to be happy, but are miserable, yet they do not know what to do , how to do it.
I know that it takes personal attention to release certain blocks that are just so deeply rooted in your mind, body, and spirit...also your energy field.
Make everyday a celebration of love, happiness, and joy for yourself and others.