Are you and is your business ready for 2010..? Have you dotted your i's and crossed your t's..? have you begun that fitness program, goal achiever's seminar, and moved toward your desired goal and your spiritual purpose?
Do you think that life will just hand it over to you...?I am talking about your wants and your desires. Have you really asked the Universe for what you really want..? Are you too ashamed to speak your truth? Maybe you feel others are worth more than you because ___________you fill in the blank(it is a lie anyway).
You tell yourself such lies to help yourself feel more secure.
The truth is that security comes from one place and if you have not figured out where that place is for you yet, then you are in denial of your greatness,and in an illusion of your magnificence!
Right now go and write out your 5 most important values. Choose them and live by them. What are they...? Right them down: Honesty, Love, Joy, Peace, Fun, Beauty, Wealth, Health, etc..
Make a promise to yourself that you will live by these values and implement them into your business, attitude, your being, and everything you do! Why? Because this is YOU! Who you are and why you are here...it begins with this!
Ready, let's go!
This will open up new levels for you and make extreme positive changes to your business.
Enjoy! Send me your success after you have implemented this simple yet effective tool of connecting to yourself and your business... you can thank the Prosperity Muse! ;-) e-mail your success stories to mimi@mimiquick.com and you will receive a gift for your contribution from my team.