You got into this "business" for a reason...
2010 is a POWERFUL YEAR!
If you are a coach,artist,healer,or intuitive and have just begun your career or maybe you have coached 100's of people and now it is time to hone in on your specific message..(and what people call a niche), energetically build that business, lay a new foundation, bring in more of your authentic self, attract more clients?....
Then, I am inviting just a handful of you to a NEW 2010 12 week group class(24 lessons) that will help you market yourselves, and assist you to energetically align with who you really are and how you best serve your clients so that you don't allow doubt, fear, and worry to chase you away from what you are here to do! contact me now: http://www.mimiquick.com/contact.html let's discuss what your blocks may be in your business and your life & see if this is a vibrational match.
TeleClasses begin January 20th,2010(Wednesdays 1pm PST & Fridays 1pm PST)
There is a fast track- open to serious inquiries only for 1/2 day and full day business energetic makeovers with your very own personalized business, spiritual,and life plans! It is my intention to serve clients that are willing and ready to receive information that will assist them on their path!~ Mimi (Am I speaking to you..?)