Hello!!! Wake UP!!
Global activation call 2-14-2010 where 2010 women and men come together to activate their power freedom and love genes..
It is the FIRST STEP
Imagine everyone world wide holding hands and feeling the energy, activation that will awaken them to possibilities and truth. Giving support to people by connecting them back to WHO We REALLY Are!!
What are the reasons you stop..?
Do you think that you were born for bigger things but do not know where to start..?
Or Do you prefer someone to show you the way...do you imagine yourself helping people in your life with your gifts talents and abilities but REALLY do not know where to begin..?
So what do you do GIVE UP..? HIDE...? Wait for someone to do the very thing you want to do and then GET angry that you did not step up...wonder what is in the way..why are you less than..why exactly are you here..? Hmmm
The truth! Be honest with yourself....when you do this doors open for you. Fear is part of the equation: di you you know that...I have a few videos and some free audio for you to listen to what I really am saying and what my message is...what is yours?
Go here: http://www.beyourmessage.com/
YOU are part of this WORLD Start Living in it!!
All in love: Mimi Quick