My fabulous Prosperity Muse Readers how are you doing in the area of health?
The letters have been pouring in from people who are feeling sick, or have been diagnosed with a dis ease. The questions are how did you do it Mimi? What caused you to heal? Do you have something we can follow to heal ourselves.
Listen when I was told there was no cure I did not believe them I beleived that the people that I was speaking to just were repeating what they were told. I mean really get over yourself was what I was thinking in my mind. The pain was out of this world, I was on hard core drugs that barely even treated the pain and guess what... it was uncomfortable and caused me to rethink my whole life.
Was this really the end for me? I mean I have a small child, he'll loose his mom and then what, heck no! I was not about to leave this earth without a fight and I was not about to accept that I was ill. The doctors wanted to diagnose me test after test and guess what they finally put a name on it but, I HEALED myself and amazed everyone doctors, family and friends.So is self healing possible- YES, it was for me.
What are you suffering from? I can bet all of this started from stress, anger, guilt, resentment and lack of freedom. Look into your life and see where these problems first developed. Did you have a family member that suffered the same way, are you predisposed to this condition?
I believe that all these condistions begin in the mind and then manifest in our bodies so where are you? Are you in the fear or are you in the results energy of things. Have you accepted that this is the way its going to go for you or are you ready to roll up your sleeves and do the work like I did!
I am free from dis-ease I dont have it, I did not die, and I am healthy. I used my mind to change the way I felt thought and chose wisely for my present and future and guess what prosperity in good health, good fortune, and love rolled in for me... I have never asked myself what if I didn't listen to my mentor and change my thinking, I only give great thanks for his wonderful teachings and now help others who are ready to heal in life and business.
Do you have questions, send them in I will answer them on this blog....or do you want to receive coaching around this subject? send us an email to mimi@mimiquick.com and my team will make sure that they set up a 20 min "Get To Know You" call.