If you do not have your Night and Day Prosperity Workbook/ Journal you are missing out on all the wonderful things that you'll be able to connect to like abundance! What are the things that are keeping you stuck or in the way of being Spiritually Rich or Rich in Love or Full of RICH energy? The Night and Day Prosperity Journal takes you through the daily tasks of what you need to do to keep you in a success vibration, do you really want to struggle, wait for the right time, or just hope prosperity comes knocking at your door? I mean really.... Don't you want to actively be in co- creation with the universe on a daily basis and take the steps daily that will activate the prosperous energy within you... so you can begin to see propserous results? For a full year you will be powerfully guided by this Night and Day Prosperity Workbook and Journal. It's your turn to prosper!
Visit out prosperity Shop or contact us through mimi@mimiquick.com and request to purchase our Night & Day Prosperity WorkBook/Journal and you'll receive a complimentary mp3 download and a 30 minute strategy session.