Let's be clear here today. When you have a call with me you will never get off the phone without being in alignment or without an aha!
It is not in my programming to do so! My work is guaranteed and thats why so many people have a geniune attraction to what I do. Now if you are not getting the results you want in your life and business and relationships you'll have to have a call to really see what the issue is underneathe all of it.
Are you ready for it? When you are ready to hear the truth pay for your session and call me.
Having the x- ray vision needed to help you pinpoint your blocks.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All day I have been blessed to helping my clients see, understand, and free themselves of their limiting patterns and behaviors so that they can align their mindset to what results that they really want! After they take action- and solidify their new belief it's on baby! Success! So proud of all my clients who were bold enough to be honest about what their situation was and were open and willing to hear the truth of what thinking and patterns were the exact cause of their blocks! Great work - keep going :) you know who you are!
Monday, May 23, 2011

My Mother's Day gift from the universe was a day early and very sweet! I was on Mental Radio with Shadoe Stevens & Sam aka Dr.Freeze :) speaking all about prosperity, money healing, and psychic coaching!
I remember listening to Shadoe and Dr. Freeze on the Radio KROQ as a teenager, everyday/night- I'd even tape my favorite songs *(yes I meant cassette tapes)! Perhaps you don't know this about me but I love music, I have met the hottest musicians in the world, producers, and the most creative and talented people ever! I'm always at the right place at the right time. We all are if you just become aware of it...
Friday, May 6, 2011
What Entrepreneurs and Artists are saying about their work with Mimi Quick!

Mimi shifted my energy & it immediately shifted my business. Because of a simple clearing I was open to receive 2 new clients. If you're doing all the "other" work & things aren't working it could very well be time to make a quick shift. Mimi is quick & she will have you on track in no time. Energy truly is everything!
Ungenita Prevost
She's never failed me. Her assessments are always right, from partners, to purchases and so much more. I really don't know how my wife does it but she's right and I trust and value her gift so much that I've refered her to all of my friends and colleagues in the music industry she's my muse and my advisor, the secrets out she's gonna spiritually kick some more butts in the industry and bring in the energy of pure spirit for better films, music, and artists. Thank you Mimi. PK QUICK
Wow this is totally changing my reality. My life seems more and more like an exciting game or play, where all is possible! Life is truly a wonderful journey. And now I am coming to that stage where I can truly become the change that I wish to see in the world. Em
After just one session with Mimi, I felt calm, less stuck and fully ready to take the next step. Within minutes, Mimi was able to specifically pinpoint and hone in on what the root of the issue was! She created a safe space and was completely on target with all her assessments. Mimi is truly gifted and amazing!! Nanci
Every morning I woke up and was met with indecision and stress. Every morning I considered my options and wondered if all this struggling was worth it or if I should remain stagnant and keep only my office job to make ends meet. But, what always kept me going was the desire of being content with my profession, my desire to work ... See Morein the field I knew ... See MoreI belonged in. So every morning I also ALWAYS made sure to remember Mimi's powerful sessions and coaching. They make a world of difference...it's like having an extra support with you everyday, as soon as you wake up it's there..! I am now blissfully pursuing a profession as a massage therapist and bodyworker. Not only am I part of an amazing holistic spa but my own business is booming! Thank you Mimi...for everything.
With love and respect. Kat.
Mimi is incredible. As a spirit guide and life coach to me, I feel positive and healed every time we talk! In meditation, her voice is the most soothing voice I've ever heard! She is always correct in her assessments and very attuned to whomever she works with. I am so lucky to have her inspiring me everyday! Also, your story is absolutely amazing! I never knew all this about you. Love you lots." - Elana
In less than 24 hours of having a release session with Mimi Quick I won a $30,000 prize. She gets to the core of the matter and the core of your issue. The release work was simple and amazingly powerful. I feel transformed! Dianne
After working with Mimi Quick and releasing an emotional issue my sales skyrocketed! I reached my 6 figure goal. She's a powerful Psychic Power Coach Terry
Oh my goodness! You are a rock-star Mimi!
Thank you!
I thoroughly enjoyed today's session. I feel so much more calm and confident. Like I can achieve anything yet, Not wasting my time spinning my wheels. It's like a laser beam shining on the direction I need to go in.
Again, warmest thanks!~ Model

If you do not have your Night and Day Prosperity Workbook/ Journal you are missing out on all the wonderful things that you'll be able to connect to like abundance! What are the things that are keeping you stuck or in the way of being Spiritually Rich or Rich in Love or Full of RICH energy? The Night and Day Prosperity Journal takes you through the daily tasks of what you need to do to keep you in a success vibration, do you really want to struggle, wait for the right time, or just hope prosperity comes knocking at your door? I mean really.... Don't you want to actively be in co- creation with the universe on a daily basis and take the steps daily that will activate the prosperous energy within you... so you can begin to see propserous results? For a full year you will be powerfully guided by this Night and Day Prosperity Workbook and Journal. It's your turn to prosper!
Visit out prosperity Shop or contact us through mimi@mimiquick.com and request to purchase our Night & Day Prosperity WorkBook/Journal and you'll receive a complimentary mp3 download and a 30 minute strategy session.
My Client became a $30,000 Prize Winner

Prosperous blessings flowing ..... On May 9th My client Dianne won a $30,000 prize. This is what she had to say... "The night before I did a simple yet powerful releasing exercise with Mimi Quick so I could receive more in my life and the following day I won a $30,000 prize!"
We actually have you speaking about it on an ENERGY CALL just send us an email if you want to hear the call It's All About YOU & YOUR ENERGY! Just email us at mimi@mimiquick.com and we will send you the mp3 recording so you can hear how Dianne describes working with me and the transformation she received, you'll just love her and how energetic she is about the work she has done and how it has changed her life forever.

This is HOT stuff Prosperity Muse Blog Readers...don't you think?
Listen, what comes to mind when I say sex? What is it that creates a surge of energy for you in your body? Do you feel love? Do you crave intimacy, or do you cringe at the very thought of the word?
You may need to heal parts within you that are rejecting your inner most desire to be sexual. You may need to allow your spouse to love you? You may need to learn to communicate your desires to your partner for more intimate and steamy sex, I mean how tempting is that..?
If you do not have a healthy sex life you definately are need of sexual healing but again...it all begins in the mind. So are you ready now? Whatever your motivation, if it is just to rekindle your marriage, or to feel sexy again the work that must be done is to open channels that will let the love flow. What are your blocks to receive love and sexual healing?
Make a list of what you really want in your sex life, and do not hold back. If your sex life is not at the desired level you are asking for then make sure you take action.
Go and buy a beautiful robe, purchase a new fragrance, go and buy your favorite chocolate...WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL SEXY? write a list of 100 things that make you feel sexy and read it everyday for one month straight.
If you have trouble doing this or have lost your desire to feel sexy there is a belief lurking in your subconscious mind that is keeping you from healing, and when you are ready to heal and prosper in this area of life... contact us at mimi@mimiquick.com our team will direct you to the right person to speak with and set you up with a 20min Get To Know You Call to see what really is happening within.
love and blessings,
Mimi Quick
SELF HEALING - Is it possible?

My fabulous Prosperity Muse Readers how are you doing in the area of health?
The letters have been pouring in from people who are feeling sick, or have been diagnosed with a dis ease. The questions are how did you do it Mimi? What caused you to heal? Do you have something we can follow to heal ourselves.
Listen when I was told there was no cure I did not believe them I beleived that the people that I was speaking to just were repeating what they were told. I mean really get over yourself was what I was thinking in my mind. The pain was out of this world, I was on hard core drugs that barely even treated the pain and guess what... it was uncomfortable and caused me to rethink my whole life.
Was this really the end for me? I mean I have a small child, he'll loose his mom and then what, heck no! I was not about to leave this earth without a fight and I was not about to accept that I was ill. The doctors wanted to diagnose me test after test and guess what they finally put a name on it but, I HEALED myself and amazed everyone doctors, family and friends.So is self healing possible- YES, it was for me.
What are you suffering from? I can bet all of this started from stress, anger, guilt, resentment and lack of freedom. Look into your life and see where these problems first developed. Did you have a family member that suffered the same way, are you predisposed to this condition?
I believe that all these condistions begin in the mind and then manifest in our bodies so where are you? Are you in the fear or are you in the results energy of things. Have you accepted that this is the way its going to go for you or are you ready to roll up your sleeves and do the work like I did!
I am free from dis-ease I dont have it, I did not die, and I am healthy. I used my mind to change the way I felt thought and chose wisely for my present and future and guess what prosperity in good health, good fortune, and love rolled in for me... I have never asked myself what if I didn't listen to my mentor and change my thinking, I only give great thanks for his wonderful teachings and now help others who are ready to heal in life and business.
Do you have questions, send them in I will answer them on this blog....or do you want to receive coaching around this subject? send us an email to mimi@mimiquick.com and my team will make sure that they set up a 20 min "Get To Know You" call.
INNER SIGHT? Can you believe your eyes?

Hi Prosperity Muse readers, Mimi Quick here,
You know it's quite the challenge I hear from men and women around the world to distinquish if what they see are real? Hmmmm can they really believe their inner sight and what can they do to enhance it?
Here's how I answered these questions for you:
First of all when did you first realize your gift(s)? If it was when you were young you'll want to reconnect with that time and see where your insecurity or lack of confidence comes from... so much so you really cannot believe the images you are seeing?
Then ask yourself, what is stopping me from really embracing this gift of mine?
Many fear that if they embrace their gift everyone will think that there were or are crazy. The truth is if you had this gift all along it was not really hidden people have noticed and they are waiting for you to speak up about it.
Do you see in symbols? OR wonder what the heck does a duck have to do with anything right now..? There are deeper reasons for your intuitive cosmic streaming. I mean really I remember speaking to a man at a gathering and saw that he was cheating on his wife with another women, it was not intentional I didn't say come on universe download me right now with all of this info, but later on, after I told him about my abilities he opened up and told me he felt quilty and so we did some work to release the stuck energy in his energy field.
Let's go back to the duck or symbols ok? When this comes up for you, allow the feeling of the object to give you clues as to why its there and what its trying to tell you..ask questions. ok?
Can you believe your eyes? Begin to trust your urges start to write them down and see what wonderful truths show up for you, build that intuitive muscle to the point where you begin to know what comes through for you from the universe through your inner sight!
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