Friday, September 23, 2011

Muse News

Celebrating my "Attracting Prosperity" webinar with hundreds of people served :) and Prosperity Muse Update

Mimi Quick
September 23, 2011

Hi Everyone:

I just wanted to share some magical news with all of you and have you (if you choose to) step into a high vibrational energy today and celebrate with me! It was exciting to serve hundreds of people on a special webinar "Attracting Prosperity" with my magical JV partner! Serving large groups is always fun and a huge part of my mission.

Just by having our conversations and while being in my space as we were creating the webinar my JV partner increased her income with clients and unexpected sources over 5 figures actually - saying that shes made the most money, easily in this short time ever since she's met me/worked with me. I actually hear that alot and people are always amazed. However I know what has transpired and am so lucky to see how I have blessed people with my gifts.

These are my gifts and they are touching more and more leaders in the world, all aligned to my BIG mission. If you were on the webinar or had an opportunity to join us - thank you and if you want to receive a replay please feel free to connect with us at ***

More Prosperity Muse News: I've opened the doors to allow 33 more magical business leaders to Step into Your power STOP HIDING, and experience The Transformational 1-1 Break Thru/ 3level clearing your Biggest Block (its a 4 figure commitment )

I will also be teaching the Align Master Class starting October to a wonderful group of leaders with Kelly

Our "EVOLVE" INNER EVOLUTION 10 week group Success program for entrepreneurs is all launching this October 2011 (all to help you the entrepreneurs stop hiding, release fear, and deeply connect with how powerful your gifts really are, how money is a true part of service, and how your service and products are needed in the world as NOW is the time!)

(In only speaking about Inner Evolution to leaders- One Entrepreneur called it A Wake Up Call and total Mind Shift with Mimi Quick, another said it was a euphoric experience that woke up every cell of her being into action) So to me this goes right along with what I felt divine source was showing me. Strong confirmation.

Our New website is much more aligned and interactive with tons of information- will be up by next week :)

It's really great to live in our gifts and shift into the reality that we know we want to live in. I empower people to create "it" (Inner Transformation), evolve, now, not later by helping them release fear, get visible, and step into their power to connect with their true desire and manifest it fully for more happiness, peace and freedom energy.

Love ya,

Mimi Quick