What happens when you think about money? How about a $100 dollar bill? - Do you react with a smile or a constrictive thought, then what feeling shows up?
In both cases you must exercise RESPONSIBILITY! Yes? Come on agree you know it's the right thing to do.
What will you decide to focus on when you know that what you focus on expands? Go on start writing.... what will you focus on?
Will you choose prosperous thoughts or poverty thoughts? Again you are faced with a choice ahhh the universe always gives us choices which one is it for you?
To earn $100,000 you must be honest with yourself, responsible, willing, ask, and be in connection of the energy of $$ money you want to receive in this case $100,000 , and continue to live in the universal flow! Do you think and feel that you can do that....?
Does it take time and energy?- yes! Are you comparing yourself when you see someone else's success.... How do you know? When you are in judgment of yourself you are comparing yourself to others, and are in lack.
If you had done the things that you were going to do- would you be in a better place right now? a richer place? so what stops you from actually doing all of this? hmmm, get honest right here.... *(and this is exactly where you need a coach who has innate insight, and wealth of wisdom in spirituality, marketing, success leadership coaching, mindset, sales, program creation able to pull out blocks that have been invisible to you, be aligned and on purpose LIVING their purpose every moment... to help you get results in your life, to help you see what you are not seeing that is right in front of you...and that includes money! )
So let me give you the SECRET you must do the work, no one else can do this for you, everyone else can just help you get stronger and release what is in the way- the illusion of fear, doubt, and worry..... guide you to wake up to a new higher way of thinking and it will be better than you could have ever imagined. Yes, but again who has to do the work? YOU DO! The coach and mentor is there to guide you.
Do not get stuck in your story! Shake yourself out of it as fast as possible. The power has always been within. Your mind can create flow or stuckness, which to you prefer. You can have abundance or lack, what do you want? You can be in harmony with the universe or disconnected?
Do not get stuck in excuses! Really come on are we going to hear that again, I was fill in the blank, I can't because _____________, My partner_________. Take responsibility, BE YOUR POWERFUL SELF AND STOP LIVING IN YOUR LOWER SELF! As a coach, healer, artist how are you really going to help others.... YOUR ENERGY TRAVELS RIGHT ALONG WITH YOU! Ummm yes... You cannot hide it or fool energy. The best part is that people can FEEL IT! You are not fooling anyone so better start to do the work that is required of you to live in the higher vibrations of truth so you can manifest all that you truly desire within, it will show up and more than likely it is staring you right in the face to put it ever so gently ;-)
HELLO! Are you there? Can you hear me? Your higher voice cries out from within! Listen to the whisper, listen to the call, YOU ARE A MAGICAL WOMAN here to create and receive more wealth not only for you but for all women who are here to experience this lifetime. IT"S TIME TO BREAK FREE from the limitations you have placed on yourself now.
Who are you to say no? Who are you to say I can't? Who are you to be in the deep dark depths of darkness...? ARE YOU BEING LIGHT IN THOSE MOMENTS? Are you really connected? Do you feel close to your heart?
Money is an energy you draw toward you. YOU MAGNETIZE IT TO YOU! It is something you can easily attain and bring forth to reality as easy as your breath, the only thing that gets in your way is your disconnected THINKING, ENERGY and NOT BEING HONEST.
Check your integrity meters today, how willing are you really to receive, and then if you are not, why not?
Get in alignment to receive, become the wealthy women you are meant to be with speed & ease, and create more and more fun and joy as you do it!
What really comes between you and having a prosperous, healthy, happy, and FUN relationship with money?
All you have to be is ready to transform your life, let go of the illusion, and reconect to the REAL YOU and receive. Are you now ready to clear out what has been stopping your flow and connection to money? You'll have to be honest as we coach together to clear out hidden beliefs that are causing you to have this experience in your life, get realigned back to prospserous thinking, so you can receive money clients, and live a wealthy life by letting go of scarcity programming, any low energy and complaining!
"LIVE YOUR ABUNDANT LIFE, NOW" SERIES w/Your Master Coach & Spiritual Teacher Mimi Quick
90 day program
Feel free to contact us below to schedule your f^ree 20 min. assessment & application:
E-mail: mimi@mimiquick.com
Direct Line: 626-715-7716