Hello Everyone,
Tell me how are you doing? Are you looking at the next 3 months thinking....wow! that was fast or is it more like darn I had so much planned for 2009 and I never got to accomplishing my goals.
Well, you are where you are because of you, yup yourself! I know you all think I'm going to be sweet and baby you here and there, NO!, the truth is you are exactly where you are because of your actions.
Your mind is so powerful that it will find a way to anything you ask for, the universe supports this wonderful demand.
So, if you are experiencing anything that you do not want, then subconsciously you are attracting it.
I have said this over and over again .....having a coach is so important because many are trained to see what you do not see. I like to see myself as a guide, bringing awareness to my clients, friends and people I meet. My work is who I am, there is no difference.
So who is in the way of your dreams.... it really is just you!
Many people like to place blame on others for not accomplishing their dreams
* spouse
and much more!
Get clear about what your goal is and do not get in your own way!
Mimi Quick
Connecting you to your Inner Power, Source and FREEDOM!