Happy Valentines Day!
Matters of the lover's heart... Ahhh yes. Are you in love? Have that special someone in your life? ....Or are you looking to attract the one...your soulmate, your twin flame.
Hmmmm well wherever you are with this I just want to remind you that your happiness and love begins with you! Yup, Love yourself first.....arrgh when I had first heard this a few years back I was mad more than mad... what do you mean love myself...I began to defend by what I had accomplished in my life and who I was spending time with...etc. Of course I love myself..really?
So here is what I did:
I asked myself
what do I like to do?
what flowers I like to receive?
what is my favorite time of day?
what kind of foods, music, art, people and environments, I like
I scheduled time for me!
This sparked a love affair within me!