How have you been? Have you been following your bliss?
Are you living your life purpose and full of energy? I know, too many questions..so much floods your consciousness as you process what I ask.
Believe me it is all in love. I ask because I want you to see where you are and where you want to be.
Plus I have an event that can provide clarity for you quite easily November 14 and 15 as long as you are committed to your success then be at the event! I have chosen Sedona a beautifully charged place that can handle the wonderful energies that must be left behind to get to you to your goals. Also the recharging of specific energies that are mutiplied in Sedona by the process that I use to help you propel into 2010 energy for your life and business!
I know it's coming up and all who attend will be speaking about the effects of the transformational processes that I will have in the workshop.
Two days to success for 2010! All me all natural and all channeled information for all who attend so pick your perfect group and lets get a move on because here we go!
Get ready to open the doors to prosperity, success, wealth, and happiness in your life and business by plucking out what is stagnant, non serving anymore and energetically dead. Bring your life and business back to life with the energy and direction from your higher self, God and universal energy....Are you ready? Good! I will see you in Sedona November 14th and 15th. Plus because of the recent money blocks that people have been talking about you will all receive a proven money break through coaching as a bonus ($1000 value)as my gift to you for attending the Sedona 2 day Retreat for your life and business!
For more info: http://www.mimiquick.com/ ask your questions http://www.mimiquick.com/contact.html